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PWS Committee

The PWS Committee is a vital platform that amplifies the voices of individuals with first-hand experiences. By actively involving them in our decision-making processes, we can better understand and address the unique challenges they face, ultimately delivering more effective and impactful solutions.


The PWS Committee is made up of all of our Co-Trainers and Quality Checkers. We meet at the Hale Village offices every 3 months for one hour. The committee is used to help decide future events, forums, activities and also to discuss any issues that might be raised at Outward. A senior staff member will often attend so that they can speak to people we support about what’s happening across Outward and get feedback.

“I find the meetings informative.” –Luke

“You have a voice, you got to use it.” -Martin

Our Quality Checkers and Co-Trainers are all paid the hourly London Living Wage for their time and involvement with the Co-Production team.