Our Housing Management team work in partnership with social housing providers and private sector landlords to provide and manage accessible, well-maintained homes. We manage over 365 homes across north and east London boroughs and support people to maintain their homes and sustain their tenancies.
Our service plays an important role in supporting people to live in their own homes and stay truly independent. We currently manage a varied portfolio of Housing schemes including: Young people/care leavers schemes. Individual flats/units for off street homeless units, Registered Care homes, Homes for people with profound and multiple learning difficulties as well as Sheltered Schemes for the elderly.
Outward operate an enhanced housing management service that put residents at the centre of our management approach by encouraging resident’s input, our primary focus is to provide homes to residents where people feel safe and part of the local community.

Income Collection
We support people to better manage their money, live to a budget and pay their rent, helping them to stay truly independent. We also maximise people’s incomes by ensuring they access the right housing and welfare benefits.
Property Management
When we take over the management of a property, we embark upon a programme of improvements to ensure that the housing is of a decent standard for residents. Where necessary, we decorate, provide quality furniture and ensure our housing meets fire safety regulations. We also clean and maintain communal areas and gardens, as well as providing a free mobile handyman service to carry out minor repairs. Property inspections, improvement works and regular health and safety inspections are all things that we do to keep our homes in a good state of repair for our residents.
Tenancy disputes of Anti-Social Behaviour
Our Tenancy Management Officers work to settle any disturbances or disputes. They investigate issues and work to resolve concerns or complaints in a subtle and effective manner with the focus being on conflict resolution. The team are competent in managing ASB cases and litigating if cases require more formal resolution. Outward’s overall purpose is to sustain tenancies and encourage independent living.
Repairs Service
We have a dedicated maintenance team that report repairs to partner landlords will also liaise with surveyors and contractors to ensure appointment are kept.
Outward also offer a mobile repair service in the form of a handyman, this service helps promote independence for our resident and ensures small remedial tasks are completed in a timely manner.
Get in touch
If you are seeking effective and professional housing management services, get in touch with us.