Adults with Learning Disabilities (LD)
Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
Adults with Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities (PMLD)
Outward’s Growth
Outward has grown and evolved over its 40 plus years and today offers a wide range of support and housing opportunities to people, recognising that individuals will want and require different types of options.
We support people with learning disabilities to choose and live in the type of accommodation they feel will best suit their needs. This might include supported living, residential care or in their own homes.
We have a number of Outreach teams who support people with learning disabilities that can flexibly respond to individual needs, available as and when a person wants. Someone might want to develop their skills, increase independence or learn something new.
Our support offer to people who are on the autistic spectrum includes an Outreach team who offer specialised support and are accredited by the National Autistic Society. We also have a number of supported living services, where people have their own flats and are supported by teams who are trained in understanding communication skills, sensory needs, anxiety and behaviours of concern.
A supported living service has been specially designed to accommodate and support adults with profound and multiple disabilities. It is a small block of self-contained 1 bedroom flats with some shared communal space. The Team is trained in managing a range of health conditions and specialisms.