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Resident Scrutiny Panel

What is a scrutiny panel?

The Scrutiny Panel is an independent team of tenant volunteers (paid at the London Living wage) who work closely with Outward to review the housing, maintenance and support services, policies, and performance in these areas. The Scrutiny Panel play a key role in ensuring that Outward offers a service that represents good value for money, and is what residents want.

The panel will consist of 5 individuals, and will have an annual programme of work which includes quarterly meetings, conducting deep dive scrutiny reviews and  providing activity reports to the Board of Trustees. A deep dive scrutiny review is where the panel explore, examine and test a specific area of service delivery. They investigate what is currently in place and make recommendations for improvements based on the evidence gathered during the scrutiny exercise.

To support the panel members Outward will provide a programme of informal and formal training.

The work of the Scrutiny Panel will be highlighted on our website once up and running.  Here you will find minutes to the quarterly panel meetings, meeting dates, action plans for deep dive scrutiny reviews completed and the terms of reference and code of conduct.

If you are interested in joining the Scrutiny Panel and would like more information about the recruitment and application process please contact by email at or by calling 0207 613 0817 (Extension 3).

We anticipate that the role will take a couple of days per year. With work being distributed throughout the year.

Task Estimated Time Frequency Total Time Commitment
Quarterly Meetings 2 Hours 4 times a year 8 Hours
Deep Dive Review 10 Hours Once a year 10 Hours
Activity Reports 2 Hours Once a year 2 Hours